Export Post

Exports a collection of accounts.


This endpoint expects an object.
created_bylist of stringsOptional
Filters for accounts created by the specified user(s).
custom_fieldsmap from strings to anyOptional
Filters for custom fields.
display_namelist of stringsOptional
Array of display names of accounts to be filtered.
domainslist of stringsOptional
Domains for accounts to be filtered.
external_refslist of stringsOptional
Array of references of accounts to be filtered.
The number of accounts to return. The default is '50'.
owned_bylist of stringsOptional
Filters for accounts owned by the specified user(s).
sort_bylist of stringsOptional
Fields to sort the accounts by and the direction to sort them in.
stagelist of stringsOptional
Filters for accounts on specified stages.
tagslist of stringsOptional
List of tags to be filtered.


This endpoint returns an object.
accountslist of objects
The exported accounts.