Creates a Rev user for a Rev organization. Rev user can be a customer
or a lead of an organization.
This endpoint expects an object.
The ID of the account to which the created Rev user is associated.
artifactslist of stringsOptional
The IDs of the artifacts to associate with the Rev user.
custom_fieldsmap from strings to anyOptional
Application-defined custom fields.
custom_schema_fragmentslist of stringsOptional
The schema fragment IDs associated with the Rev user.
Description of the Rev user.
The user's display name. The name is non-unique and mutable.
Email address of the Rev user.
External ref is a mutable unique identifier for a user within the
Dev organization from your primary customer record. If none is
available, a good alternative is the email address/phone number
which could uniquely identify the user. If none is specified, a
system-generated identifier will be assigned to the user.
phone_numberslist of stringsOptional
Phone numbers, in E.164 format, of the Rev user.
The ID of the Rev organization to which the created Rev user is