Scan Post


Scans through all Rev users.


This endpoint expects an object.
created_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for Rev users that were created by the specified user(s).


The cursor to resume iteration, otherwise the beginning if not provided.

custom_fieldsmap from strings to anyOptional

Filters for custom fields.

emaillist of stringsOptional

List of emails of Rev users to be filtered.

external_reflist of stringsOptional

List of external refs to filter Rev users for.

is_verifiedbooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Value of is_verified field to filter the Rev users.

phone_numberslist of stringsOptional

List of phone numbers, in E.164 format, to filter Rev users on.

rev_orglist of stringsOptional

List of IDs of Rev organizations to be filtered.

tagslist of stringsOptional

List of tags to be filtered.


This endpoint returns an object.
rev_userslist of objects

The iterated Rev users.


The cursor that should be used to resume iteration, otherwise if not provided, then iteration has completed.