Count Articles


Get count of articles matching given filter.

Query parameters


The ancestor directory of the articles.

applies_to_partslist of stringsOptional

Filters for articles belonging to any of the provided parts.

article_typelist of enumsOptional

Filter for the type of articles. If this is not provided, then articles that are not content blocks are returned.

Allowed values: articlecontent_block
authored_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for articles authored by any of the provided users.

created_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for articles created by any of the provided users.

modified_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for articles modified by any of the provided users.

owned_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for articles owned by any of the provided users.

scopelist of longsOptional

Filter for the scope of the articles.


ID of the group/member with whom the item is shared.


Role ID of the group/member with whom the item is shared.

tagslist of stringsOptional

Filters for article with any of the provided tags.




The total number of articles matching the filter.

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