List Content Template


Lists the content templates.

Query parameters

created_bylist of stringsOptional

Filters for content template created by any of these users.


The cursor to resume iteration from. If not provided, then iteration starts from the beginning.


The maximum number of content template to return. The default is ‘50’.


The iteration mode to use, otherwise if not set, then “after” is used.

Allowed values: afterbefore
namelist of stringsOptional

Filters for content template based on name.

sort_bylist of stringsOptional

Fields to sort the content template by and the direction to sort them.

typelist of stringsOptional

Filters for content template of the provided types.



content_templatelist of objects

The list of content templates.


The cursor used to iterate subsequent results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no later elements exist.


The cursor used to iterate preceding results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no prior elements exist.

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