Data and attachments deletion

During the deletion phases, the snap-in may clean up its state or other side effects in the third party systems. In the most common extraction use cases, there is nothing to do and snap-ins may reply with the completion message.

Data deletion

Triggering event

Airdrop initiates the data deletion phase when the import is deleted in the DevRev app. It is started by sending the worker a message with an event of type EXTRACTION_DATA_DELETE.

Snap-in response

The worker must respond to Airdrop with a message with an event of type EXTRACTION_DATA_DELETE_DONE when done or EXTRACTION_DATA_DELETE_ERROR in case of an error.

Attachments deletion

Triggering event

Airdrop initiates the attachments deletion phase when an import is deleted from the DevRev app, after the data deletion has completed. It is started by sending the snap-in a message with an event of type EXTRACTION_ATTACHMENTS_DELETE.

Snap-in response

The snap-in must respond to Airdrop with a message with an event of type EXTRACTION_ATTACHMENTS_DELETE_DONE when done, or EXTRACTION_ATTACHMENTS_DELETE_ERROR in case of an error.

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