Retrieving logs for snap-in

Using DevRev CLI, you can retrieve build logs and runtime logs for your snap-ins.

How to retrieve logs using DevRev CLI

  • To retrieve logs for all snap-in packages/versions in your dev org after a particular timestamp, run the following command:

    $devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z" | jq
  • To retrieve logs between two timestamps and use a cursor for pagination, run the following command:

    $devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T10:24:17Z" --before "2023-06-07T00:00:00Z" --cursor cursor_from_previous_page | jq | code -

By default, not specifying --before lists all logs until the current timestamp in descending order (latest logs at the top).

  • To retrieve logs for a specific snap-in package, run the following command:

    $devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z" --filters '{"snap_in_package": {"values": ["don:integration:dvrv-us-1:devo/abcd:snap_in_package/abcdef"]}}' | jq | code -
  • To retrieve logs containing the text “failed” but exclude logs with level “info”, run the following command:

    $devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z" --query "failed" --filters '{"level": {"values": ["info"], "exclude": true}}' | jq | code -

The JSON response fields are filterable. For example, to view snap-in version execution logs only, add the filter on process field to match function and run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z" --filters '{"snap_in_version": {"values": ["don:integration:dvrv-us-1:devo/abcd:snap_in_package/abcdef:snap_in_version/abcdef"]}, "process":{"values": ["function"]}}' | jq | code -

Similarly, you can filter only for build logs by filtering for process = build.

After creating the appropriate filters, to view the logs conveniently, run the following command:

You can customize the part before jq according to your filters.

$devrev snap_in_package logs --after "2023-06-06T00:00:00Z" --filters '{}' | jq -r '["total",, "next_cursor", .next_cursor], (.logs[] | [.level,.timestamp,.msg]) | @tsv' | code -


Error “You are not authorized to perform this operation”

$devrev snap_in draft
POST '' failed with 403 Forbidden, {"debug_message":"Unauthorized You are not authorized to perform this operation. Ref: bc7b7f58-148c-479c-b0a6-b4cbe43dd8a6","message":"Forbidden","type":"forbidden"}

You are not an admin of the dev org where you want to create the snap-in.

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