List Post

Lists the available conversations.


This endpoint expects an object.
applies_to_partslist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations belonging to any of the provided parts.
The cursor to resume iteration from. If not provided, then iteration starts from the beginning.
grouplist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversation that belong to the given groups.
Filters for conversations that are created by verified users.
Filters for conversations that are spam.
The maximum number of conversations to return. The default is '50'.
memberslist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations where these users are participants.
mode"after" or "before"Optional
Allowed values: afterbefore
The iteration mode to use. If "after", then entries after the provided cursor will be returned, or if no cursor is provided, then from the beginning. If "before", then entries before the provided cursor will be returned, or if no cursor is provided, then from the end. Entries will always be returned in the specified sort-by order.
owned_bylist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations owned by any of these users.
rev_orglist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations that are associated with any of the provided Rev organizations.
The filter for SLA summary.
source_channelslist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations with any of the provided source channels.
The filter for stages.
tagslist of stringsOptional
Filters for conversations with any of the provided tags.
tags_v2list of objectsOptional
Filters for conversations with any of the provided tags with value.


This endpoint returns an object.
conversationslist of objects
The list of conversations.
The cursor used to iterate subsequent results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no later elements exist.
The cursor used to iterate preceding results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no prior elements exist.