DevRev CLI reference

The following is a list of DevRev CLI commands:

CLI version

Check the version of CLI:

$devrev --version

CLI help

To check all the available commands, run the following command:

$devrev --help

Use devrev [command] --help for more information about a command.


To authenticate, run the following command:

$devrev profiles authenticate --org <DevOrg-slug-name> --usr <>


  • <DevOrg-slug-name>: The unique slug name of your DevOrg to which you want to log in.

  • <>: Your registered user email for profile.

The browser opens up and asks you to log in to DevRev. Once you log in, a local dev org profile is created and an access token is stored.

To set up authentication using the DevRev token, run the following command:

Using DevRev’s interface, you can generate a DevRev token.

$echo $DevRevToken | devrev profiles set-token --org <dev-org-name> --usr <email>

It enables CLI operations on the dev org.

Snap-in package

To create a snap-in package, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_package create-one --slug <slug name>

For example:

$devrev snap_in_package create-one --slug github | jq .

When the snap-in package is created, its ID is stored in the snap-in context. Run the following command to view the ID:

$devrev snap_in_package show [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in_package show | jq .

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the snap-in package ID from the snap-in context.

To delete a snap-in package, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_package delete-one [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in_package delete-one | jq .

If id isn’t provided, it picks up the snap-in package id from the snap-in context.

To list the snap-in package, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_package list

For example:

$devrev snap_in_package list | jq .

To view the snap-in package logs, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_package logs

For example:

$devrev snap_in_package logs | jq .

Additional flags:

  • --after string timestamp after which to fetch logs. For example, 2023-01-15T10:24:17Z. Defaults to 15 minutes earlier.
  • --before string timestamp before which to fetch logs. For example, 2023-02-15T10:24:17Z. Defaults to now.
  • --filters string Filters for the log message as a JSON. For example, {"level": {"values": ["info"]}, "dev_org": {"exclude": true, "values": ["don:identity:<partition>:devo/<dev-org-id>"]} }
  • --limit uint32 Number of logs to fetch.

Snap-in version

To create a snap-in version, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_version create-one --path <path to the snap-in code>

For example:

$devrev snap_in_version create-one --path ./code

Once the snap_in_version is created, its ID is stored in the snap-in context too.

Additional flags:

  • --package <id> : Optional. If not provided, it uses the id from the snap-in context.
  • --manifest <path>: specify the path to the manifest.yaml file using this flag.
  • --archive <path> : specify the path to the archive file (build.tar.gz) using this flag.
  • --create-package: creates a new snap_in_package in interactive mode and then creates a snap-in version using the newly created snap-in package id.

To show the snap-in version, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_version show [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in_version show | jq .

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the snap_in_version id stored in the snap-in context.

To delete a snap-in version, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_version delete-one [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in_version delete-one | jq .

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the id stored in the snap-in context.

To list the snap-in version, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_version list

For example:

$devrev snap_in_version list | jq .

Additional flags:

  • --package <id>: Optional. If not provided, it uses the id from the snap-in context.


To create a snap-in draft instance, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in draft --snap_in_version [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in draft | jq .

Additional flags:

  • --snap_in_version [id]: Optional. If not provided, it uses the snap-in version ID from the snap-in context.

Once the snap_in draft command is successful, it also generates the interface link.

To update the snap-in with keyrings and inputs, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in update [id]

For example:

$devrev snap_in update

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the snap_in id stored in the snap-in context.

For non-interactive mode, use the following command with the appropriate values:

$echo '{"connection":[{"name":"github-oauth", "reference":"test 1"},{"name":"github", "reference":"test 2"}], "global":[{"name":"post_message","value":"some-value"},{"name":"put_message","value":"some-value"}]}' | devrev snap_in update

To activate a snap-in, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in activate [id]

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the ID stored in the local profile.

To deactivate a snap-in, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in deactivate [id] [--force]

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the ID stored in the local profile.

--force flag deactivates the snap-in even if the deactivate hook fails. If the flag isn’t specified, then the snap-in moves to the Error state if the deactivate hook fails.

To show the snap-in details, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in show [id]

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the ID stored in the local profile.

To list the snap-ins, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in list

For example:

$devrev snap_in list | jq .

To delete a snap-in, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in delete-one [id] [--force]

[id] is optional. If not provided, it uses the id stored in the snap-in context.

The --force flag deletes the snap-in even if the deactivate hook fails. If the flag isn’t specified, then the snap-in moves to the Error state if the deactivate hook fails.

Snap-in context

The CLI persists in the context of the CLI in a snap-in context. The context is used to store the following information per snap-in package slug:

  1. The ID of the snap-in package owning the slug.
  2. The ID of the last created/upgraded snap-in version, if any.
  3. The ID of the latest deployed snap-in, if any.

To show the current snap-in context, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_context show

For example:

$devrev snap_in_context show


$$ devrev snap_in_context show
>snap_in_context: <snap-in-context name>
> snap_in: don:integration:<partition>:devo/<dev-oid>:snap_in/<snap-in-id>
> snap_in_package: don:integration:<partition>:devo/<dev-oid>:snap_in_package/<snap-in-package-id>
> snap_in_version: don:integration:<partition>:devo/<dev-oid>:snap_in_package/<snap-in-package-id>:snap_in_version/<snap-in-version-id>

To list the snap-in context, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_context list

For example:

$devrev snap_in_context list

To check a different snap-in context, run the following command:

$devrev snap_in_context checkout <snap_in_context_name>

For example:

$devrev snap_in_context checkout test_1
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