
DevRev’s APIs use standard HTTP status codes when responding to requests. On success, a 20X status code is returned along with any response data, as indicated in the OpenAPI specification.

Status CodeStatusDescription
200OKThe request succeeded and the result is contained in the response.
201CreatedThe request successfully created an object and the result is contained in the response.
204No ContentThe request succeeded and contains no response data. This is common for object deletions.

A request may encounter a set of errors that are common across all the APIs. In the response, a JSON object with a message field is provided that contains supplemental information to the encountered error.

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 29
{"message":"route not found"}
Status CodeStatusDescription
400Bad RequestThe request was malformed or contained invalid arguments.
401UnauthorizedThe user attempted to access an endpoint that requires authentication and no credentials were provided or their validation failed.
403ForbiddenThe user isn’t authorized to perform the requested action.
404Not FoundThe requested endpoint doesn’t exist.
429Too Many RequestsThe user is currently throttled due to exceeding their permitted rate limit. The Retry-After response header contains the number of seconds before the user should retry.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error was encountered in the handling of the request which couldn’t be processed to completion. DevRev is automatically alerted to any occurrence of this error. The user should retry after a short delay and contact DevRev support if the problem persists.
503Service UnavailableA transient error was encountered and the user should retry after a short delay.

An endpoint may be annotated with additional status codes in the OpenAPI specification to denote special behavior.

Status CodeStatusDescription
301Moved PermanentlyThe target resource’s ID has changed, where the Location response header contains the updated ID.
404Not FoundThe target object or requested resource doesn’t exist.
409ConflictThe attempted object creation conflicted with an existing object, for example, a group with the same name already exists.
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