Locally testing snap-ins

To test out changes in snap-in locally, you can create a snap-in version in test mode. A snap-in version created in test mode enables you to specify a public HTTP URL to receive events from DevRev. This makes for quick code changes on the local machine without needing to repeatedly deploy the snap-in again for testing the changes.

To set up the framework, follow these steps.


Set up the server

  1. Run a server locally to ingest events from DevRev. The port parameter is optional. If not set, the server starts default on 8000.
npm run test:server -- --port=<PORT>
  1. Expose the local port as a publicly available URL. We recommend using ngrok since it is free and easy to set up. The command for running ngrok tunneling on port 8000:
ngrok http 8000

This returns a public HTTP URL.

  1. Create a snap-in version with the testing-url flag set.
devrev snap_in_version create-one --manifest <manifest path> --create-package --testing-url <HTTP_URL>

HTTP_URL is the publicly available URL from the previous step. The URL should start with http or https. Do note that the developer cannot use the path and testing-url flags together.

  1. Once the snap-in version is ready, create a snap-in, update, and activate it.
devrev snap_in draft
devrev snap_in update
devrev snap_in activate

Receive events locally

After the snap-in has been activated, it can receive events locally from DevRev as a snap-in would. For example, if the snap-in is listening for the work_created event type, then creating a new work item would send the event to the local server.

If utilizing ngrok, you can access the ngrok UI by opening in the browser. This interface offers a neat way to review the list of requests and replay them if necessary.

The service account token included with the request is valid for only 30 minutes. Therefore, attempting to call the DevRev API with that token for events older than this timeframe results in a 401 Unauthorized error.


Update the URL

The code can be changed without the need to create a snap-in version or redeploy the snap-in. On any change to the src folder, the server restarts with the updated changes. However, on patch compatible updates to the manifest or the testing URL, you can upgrade the snap-in version.

devrev snap_in_version upgrade --manifest <PATH_TO_MANIFEST> --testing-url <UPDATED_URL>

In case of non-patch compatible updates, the force flag can be used to upgrade the version. However, forcing the update deletes any existing snap-ins that have been created from this version.

devrev snap_in_version upgrade --force --manifest <PATH_TO_MANIFEST> --testing-url <UPDATED_URL>

The manifest must always be provided when upgrading a snap-in version.

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