Lists a collection of work items.
Filters for work belonging to any of the provided parts.
Filters for work created by any of these users.
The cursor to resume iteration from. If not provided, then iteration starts from the beginning.
Filters for issues with any of the provided Accounts.
Filters for issues with any of the provided priorities.
Filters for issues with any of the provided priority enum ids.
Filters for issues with any of the provided Rev organizations.
Filters for records with any of the provided SLA stages.
Filters for issues with any of the sprint.
The maximum number of works to return. The default is ‘50’.
The iteration mode to use, otherwise if not set, then “after” is used.
Filters for work owned by any of these users.
Filters for work reported by any of these users.
Filters for records in the provided stage(s) by name.
Filters for issues that are staged.
Filters for issues with this specific external reference.
Filters for works with selected sync statuses.
Filters for works modified with selected sync units.
Filters for works with selected sync statuses.
Filters for works modified with selected sync units.
Filters for issues synced from this specific origin system.
Filters for tickets with any of the provided channels.
Filters for tickets belonging to specific groups.
Filters for tickets that are spam.
Filters for tickets that need response.
Filters for tickets that are associated with any of the provided Rev organizations.
Filters for tickets with any of the provided severities.
Filters for records with any of the provided SLA stages.
Filters for tickets with any of the provided source channels.
Filters for work of the provided types.
The list of works.
The cursor used to iterate subsequent results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no later elements exist.
The cursor used to iterate preceding results in accordance to the sort order. If not set, then no prior elements exist.